Also know as Halo 3 =) A video game that was very overhyped. A typpical example of little children liking a game no matter it fucking sux.
fag1= U seen Halo 3?
gamer= nah overhyped tbh
by Dipffs November 14, 2007
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A Hype Is A "Hypodermic Syringe" Usally Used For Illegal Drug Use When Referred To Using This Name. It Can Also Be Called A Hype, Hipe, Pipe, Pype, Hypo, Or Hipo.
Yo Man Pass Me The Hype So I Can Get Well!
by John Dillinger2 December 4, 2007
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wen some 1 just had toooooooo much sugar. and they are going up to every1 they see and asking them questions. erin u no this is u!!!
"omg omg omg omg omg" the girl said "what what what" the boy said "i just ate 10 pounds of sugar.....hahhahahahahaha" the girl said "um wow u are going to be rele hyped"the boy said " ahahahahahahahah i already am"
by erinrox,ray April 18, 2009
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What you say when you realize just how much stupidity and/or bullshit is involved in the current situation.
I'm not sure how I feel about that guy's political campaign... I'm pretty sure it's a hype.
by Reverberation May 30, 2014
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-a sexually transmitted disease (STD) contracted from having sexual intercourse with a hype beast(see hype beast)
Did ya hear? Brandon caught hypes from Michael.
by Nich Neb July 11, 2008
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A Marjuana joint/blunt laced with Crack.
What... You rollin' a Hype?
Nah bra, I don't want to hit that.
by Misanthropic71 March 18, 2008
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Now hype is someone you kick it with lat night, aint yo girl or your man, just someone who keeps you warm, when the one oyu love cant!!!
yo N.I.G.G.A
(man or woman)
by Delisa a*k*a D-luv April 7, 2003
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