-A word i made up-
Sexbox is an affectionet name anyone may call me , it can also be a sqaure box , designed persificly for each person with the word sexbox written on a side.
Sexbox;s have there own personalitys and may fall in love , you must look after them properly and treat them carefully.
1 "hey there she is ..HEY SEXBOX WERE OVER HERE"
2 "Look at my sexbox , its not like yours mine looks like a house and yours is just a box and look at how a wrote sexbox on it..aw i think the sexbox's are in love"
3 "where do you live"says girl "in my sexbox"says guy
he shuffles "im not a tramp/hobo/bum i like living in a box"
by Summer-sky / Naomi July 17, 2006
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- Dont blame your misery on someone else.

You say this to a person when they blame their shitty lives on something or someone else.

A person who can not or will not take responsibly for their own problems.
"I can believe I got pregnant and now my boyfriend wants to leave me and my ex wont take me back. I hate my life why does no one want me?"

"hey D-B-Y-M-O-S-E. You should have told your boyfriend to wear a condom, and you ex wont take you back because you said you would never like him again, he moved on."

You hate your life because of you are stupid and heartless. Not because of them. Sorry.
by worldgoesround June 9, 2010
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When U have had bad eating habits and U eat sugar every day instead of the food U SHOULD have
by s22jjames December 18, 2018
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- Dont blame your misery on someone else.

You say this to a person when they blame their shitty lives on something or someone else.

A person who can not or will not take responsibly for their own problems.
"I can believe I got pregnant and now my boyfriend wants to leave me and my ex wont take me back. I hate my life why does no one want me?"

"hey D-B-Y-M-O-S-E. You should have told your boyfriend to wear a condom, and you ex wont take you back because you said you would never like him again, he moved on."

You hate your life because of you are stupid and heartless. Not because of them. Sorry.
by thankgodforuswillyou June 10, 2010
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3 friend that are always together and never leave someone out and are not a wos
We are the t r i o. f r i e n d s
by B u n n y April 19, 2020
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A word used by the superior Dutch people to signify their presence on any Dutch related posts which literally translates to "Colonised". Usage of this word is usually followed by someone else saying "Zeg makker".
Guy 1: "Hey did you hear about this one thing that is super vaguely connected to the Dutch?"
Guy 2: "No I actually didn't, I would love to hea-
Random Dutch person: "G E K O L O N I S E E R D"
by Lickwits November 14, 2019
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