A drink involving budget end espresso and cheap whiskey to help you feel better about that bitch of a boss you have at work
Get the whiskey and make me an evening depresso
by Dr. krammer August 15, 2022
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A severe state of sadness when you've run out of strong coffee. People without coffee are known to be grumpy, mad, and probably a little borderline psychotic. It's worse than being without a Snickers.
I'm sorry, I ran out of coffee and entered a state of depresso.
by coffeenator November 17, 2020
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How a person feels when they have no coffee or have not had coffee for a long time. It is short for being depressed without your espresso. While running out of coffee and making you feel down.
“I have no espresso so I feel soooo depresso.”
by Idkkk fammm May 10, 2019
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The depresso is a coffee you have with the person you are interested in after they told you they are seeing someone and it's too late to back out now.
Man I can't believe she is seeing someone, but it was a good depresso at the very least
by PhD Dr. Congo July 13, 2023
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Something that people drink if they are in a state of depression, people usually order this when they are plain the game undertall, people refer to this expresso as the thing that game someone balding, cancer, down syndrome, cronolagical fatigue, heart failer, and sooner needing a liver transplant
That nick really did want to die he even is drinking the depresso as we speak!
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At once you don't succeed at death you can try again and call the suicide holiness that will give you a discontinued on that depressed coffee not just by one but by 2 million dollars
How did you get to hell

I tried depresso

Same here
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The feeling of being without Espresso or some form of coffee drink.
I haven't had coffee in a week, I feel depresso.
by tacogurl_ May 9, 2018
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