Others see Claire's as sensible, cautious, careful and practical. They see Claire's as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest. Not a person who makes friends quickly or easily, but Claire's are extremely loyal to friends they do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know claire's realize it takes a lot to shake Claire's trust in Claire's friends, but equally that it takes a long time for Claire's to get over it if that trust is ever broken.
Claire is one of the most trust worthy people I know.
by Ewitsme February 11, 2015
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A weird girl that is artistic. All her friends come to her for relationship (and other) advice, even though she is usually single. Always ready to put up a fight for herself or her friends, she is a super sexy chick who has sass written all over her. Even with her wild attitude, she is wise and caring, making a Claire a natural born leader.
by Fiarya December 26, 2011
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a crazy bitch that will be the best sister ever, if she is your sister then dont piss her off. she is distinct and is as emo and gothic as can be, but she is also not afraid to pull out the ghetto side of her. she LOVES the craziest shit.
wait your sister is claire ??? damn girl you lucky
by boo20043 February 20, 2018
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A cute, funny, and boisterous being sporting a wonderful hinie. The ass master. Many great works of art have stemmed from her gluteus maximums.
OMG did you see that girl? She's asstacular, she must be a Claire.
by babyjesuses4u August 21, 2009
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Claire is selenes best friend and selene misses her alot.
by Mmmmmnkay September 11, 2020
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A person who likes attention

A person who is a real friend unlike her whole entire school
Idk I am some what pretty

I am hella funny
So um yeah byeeee
Hey you know Claire

Omg yeah I know her she is awesome
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