Supposedly, a delicious high school girl who jumps around in a short skirt in order to get people to cheer. Her purpose is to rally up the team to win.

Of course, this is the "suppose" version. In reality, she is a hideous bitch that has a two digit IQ. She is most likely overweight and she couldn't get the team to win even if she offers her soul to the devil.

Why can't we go back to the good ol' days of cheerleading? Ugly girls would be excluded from cheerleading and their bubbly idiocy might actually extract enough pity from people to get them to cheer with something resembling real enthusiasm. Of course, they'll still bitches and will probably marry into wealth greater than anything the guys with IQs that exceeds their social security numbers will be able to acquired, but hey, at least they'll be cute.
Guy #1: Hey, lets go watch the cheerleaders!

Guy #2: Hell no! Have you seen them? The leader gained ten pounds over the weekend!
by BusinessMan February 25, 2005
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A cult.
Think about it:
They all where the EXACT same outfit
They all scream creepy chants at the same time (which you think would be very distracting to the football players )
They all follow one leader
They all look the exact same

Sure, it may be tiring and exhausting, but that doesnt make that a sport. If jumping and screaming is a sport then they need to add moshing to the olympics.
Blonde: Mom, can i join????
Mom: No.
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When you insist something excessively, it becomes known as cheerleading. This is because cheerleaders constantly remind us that yes, cheerleading is in fact, a sport. No matter what the occasion is, if you glance at a cheerleader she will most likely yell, "ITS A SPORT". Hence, "cheerleading" happens when something gets told over and over again, but really has no effect on anything at all.
Dave: You still dating that one chick?
Dave: Ok, ok, stop cheerleading.

by alksjldfkj July 30, 2006
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A girl-or guy- who cheers a school games-not just high school- and a lot of times gets made fun of behind their back, when only trying to get the team(s) pumped up so that they can win the game. This person(s) is in a severely dangerous sport-they have to hold up people, throw them through the air, put strain on their bodies from jumps and tumbling, and risk serious injuries that could maybe kill them. Not always a white, skinny, blonde, whore, who is a ditz. There are a lot of cheerleaders that are just as abstinant as other teen girls- cheerleaders' reputations are made by that individual, or by the media.
Fan 1: Man that cheerleader just fell on her face, but she got back up and is trying it again.

Fan 2: If I fell like that in front of everyone.. I would just go home.
by gobucktown March 12, 2010
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Although many may argue this, it IS a sport. There are actual competitions for it and, in my opinion, some of the things they do are very difficult. It is a combination of dancing, tumbling, stunting, and, of course, cheering. Many cheerleaders don't actually enjoy having to cheer at football and basketball games, and are only on the squad for the competitions. At competitions, hundreds of squads perform 3 minute routines that include the 4 staples of cheer (listed above) and work for months on perfecting what they do, just like any other sports team. Cheerleading is definitely a misunderstood sport.
Girl 1: PLEASE, cheerleading isn't hard. It's a bunch of stupid sluts jumping around shouting.
Girl 2: Oh really? You have to have a standing back tuck just to get on the squad, you have practice almost every day, you have to keep your grade above a C average, and they are able to throw people in the air and not get hurt.
Girl 1: Yeah...but still....whatever.
by ilybabyxoxo June 7, 2011
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A sport that most boys aren't tough enough to handle. It's HARD lifting people in the air, and no, its not just four feet. When those people fall on you it HURTS. In competitive cheer leading, in round 3, doing a 3 minute routine CONSTANTLY lifting these people in the air isnt easy, especially when you consider all of the different types of stunts there are. Round 2 is all gymnastics, so i dont know what some people are talking about when they say "cheerleading is jsut wanna-be gymnasts". I bet half the people reading this can't even do a cartwheel. yea, thats what i thought. and the fact that all we do is yell and prance around like a bunch of hoes? have you ever tried to yell, as loud as you can while lifting people in the air and doing back flips and stretching your body in ways it was never meant to go? didn't think so. and the coaches. OMG the coaches. if you think your coach is bad, you've never heard a cheer coach the day before a competition, and believe me, you don't want to. and if you think that we dont work as hard as the football team think again. one time i had to do OVER 1000 ab exercises....with out stopping. don't tell me cheerleading isn't a sport, because if you've never done it, you have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
Look at those awesome cheerleaders that are waaayyyyy better than the football team.
by awesomecheeleader098 April 13, 2011
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A girl who is preppy and snotty and who goes out with the jocks...but not all of them...just MOST of 95% out of %100
person#1:Dude..cheerleaders are preps..
person#2:Not all of them....kristin and Candace arent just all the others :-)
by Sierra December 1, 2004
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