The coolest, hottest person alive. Said to be the 2010 gold medallist in ladies figure skating. Also is know as the The Hulk. This girl is the hottest; best friend alive.
"wow buck you sound like a girl!!!" -Brittney Marie
by Kathleen Kiely July 19, 2006
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Britney Spears was a pop-princess, well known for her hit singles in 1999, "Baby One More Time" and "Oops!... I Did it Again".

This former Mickey Mouse Club member was on top of the world until about 2003/2004, when she released her fourth ablumn and married Kevin Federline. They then started a family, having two children almost back to back. Britney still put out ablumns, but they were mainly compliations of her former songs and remixes.

In 2007 Spears and Federline filed for divorce, causing a huge media frenzy over the custody of their children, drug abuse problems, and emotional and eratic behavior from Britney. At this time, Britney decided to have her "comeback" at the MTV Awards, which failed miserably, causing bad reviews and an unfavorable position for the former pop-star.

PS. If you are going to trash talk someone, learn how to spell. It's b-i-t-c-h-e-s.
Brittney spears used to be really popular, but after she shaved her head and went to rehab, I don't think she sets a good example anymore.
by Arieanna November 19, 2007
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Brittney Tetrahedron Effect Aka "Brittney triangle"
the action of three educated women forming an unbreakable triangle partaking in a recreational marijuana hotbox in a confined space prefebly a Ford f-250 during the evening while camping.
"hey ladies, how about we find a place to do a little brittney triangle!
dude, our wife's were all over the brittney last night, there formation was unbreakable!
by leolion1978 July 2, 2018
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A Beautiful woman with a kind spirit and a heart of gold. Loves with all her heart even if its been broken. Gives great advice and family and friends can always count on her. She tries her best in everything she does. Always a Sunshine to ones around her.
by Sunshine51388 December 20, 2016
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the poorest excuse for a singer ever heard of.
brittney spears has a silicone vagina.
by assholesoup March 21, 2009
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A super nice and funny girl. Sometimes mean but it's okay bc she doesn't mean it. On some days she might seem super serious and boring. But talk to her at an other time of the day and she'll be dancing like a crack head. She doesn't go from boy to boy easily. So if she likes someone, it's usually a big deal. Amazing body ,shaped like an hour glass. Average height and medium length thin brown hair with I little bit of blonde at the tips. Pretty eyes whatever you do. Don't touch her armpit.
Person 1:"whos that beautiful girl over there"

Person 2 " That's Brittney lee, she's so pretty"
by Charlotte's not a slut November 27, 2019
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