Definition of a guy with a tiny cock and a pot noodle hair cut.
“Your hair looks like a dirty Booker
by Dirty baz February 17, 2022
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Small ass hick town in the middle of bum fuck nowhere population about 800 no one knows for sure cause the census workers get scared off by the KKK members. Also the main reason for thete being no african americans in the population.
Did you know Booker Texas is only. A square mile at the most
by Millsmechanics December 25, 2016
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A supporter of democratic senator and presidential candidate Cory Booker
Who I'm voting for in the primaries? Cory. I'm a total Booker Hooker
by lusvig April 26, 2019
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One who makes copious Facebook updates about his life in order to appease the poon, with limited success.
What a Poon Booker, if he think all those status updates are getting him any pussy, he's got another thing coming!
by F_loot March 29, 2011
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A person who has a myspace and facebook profile.
My aunt is a space booker, she's always online.
by toeknee martian June 14, 2010
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Someone who constantly acts in real life as they would on facebook. (Ex. Someone who shows you pictures all of the time, passes notes, announces what they are doing later to everyone they see.)
Dude Chris is a major life booker, he showed me like five memes yesterday that I didn't even want to see.
by Mr. Dr. Prof. Patrick January 29, 2013
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When you take a spoon and shove it up your homey’s ass
I just booker knife Kenny’s ass
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