The error screen that pops up on Windows 2000 and lower, whenever a fatal error occurs. Windows XP has a similar error screen, but it rarely pops up. That doesn't mean that Windows XP is a good OS though.
I was about to finish my homework when the god damned Blue Screen of Death popped up on the screen. From now on, I'm writing up my homework.
by CharlieMulligan June 17, 2006
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It's the feeling you get while dueling a shadow spec priest. The blue beam that slows you down and melts your face while giving them health.
"priest: omg,WTFOWNED! Yous getting melted"
"Warrior: wtf my pummle missed, this is stupid, HAX!112!1"
"priest:Your Face just gots been done meltsed!1!!"
"priest: Hows you likin the blue beam of deaths?"

by Azulmaromu September 21, 2006
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Only happens when things get real serious. Like a system overload, or when you download a corrupted file. Not this 'click one button and it happens' crap, or this 'Hey I was just browsing for a few minutes and boom! It flashed up!' shit. You guys are so stupid.
Asshole: Hey you! Help! The blue screen of death just popped up.
Guy: That's not a blue screen, that's just your desktop.
Asshole: No, because I was just browsing and then it flashed up.
Guy: N00b.
Asshole: I AM NOT!
Guy: Then suggest a better system.
Asshole: Uh...Linux?

*Guy smashes a guitar over the asshole's head*
by Anti-Noob patrol March 30, 2006
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A bomb ass under ground hip-hop group from san franisco
I want to see blue sky black death in concert.
by jack07 May 3, 2007
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1. A blue screen with white text indicating that Windows has crashed.
2. In the Halo game series, the screen view of a player who has a plasma grenade stuck to his or her face.
1. I got the Blue Screen of Death! How do I get Linux for this computer now?
2. Blue screen of death! I saw that sticky hit your face!
by an elite December 10, 2008
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