In a small cabin on board a Vogon Constructor Fleet ship with an amazingly
annoying traveling companion moments after your planet has been demolished by it.
"We're safe. We're in a small galley cabin
on one of the ships in the Vogon
Constructor fleet." -Ford Prefect
by Vash The Stampede April 12, 2005
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My blue.. seems to have left today
This time.. I feel it might stay that way

Another day, and I have yet more rhymes..

I feel only my heart controlling these times

We both have changed.. grown with this love in each other

I'm obsessed with the feeling my soul belongs to another..

I don't think you realise.. the ways that I want you
The times you've set my soul on fire.. made me come unglued..

Just my words.. will never be enough to show ..
How much I love you.. for finding my smile, when you knew I was low

It's more than that.. we've shared our emotions for so long
You've given such a deeper meaning to so many songs..

So, no matter what, Il keep trying to write

Stare at the ceiling and picture you.. like I do every night

Just remember.. whatever happens.. if for ANY reason you need me..

Il be there.. in an instant.. Il be whoever you need me to be
Your protector.. your lover.. shoulder to lean on.. and friend
I promise you.. there's nothing, that together, we cant mend

No matter the ache.. the wait.. my everything I will give
Because I love the way I see us now.. the life I've seen us live..

So until the day, that I can wake, beside the one that truly knows me..

Il stand tall.. Il follow only my heart.. for my one and only..

my 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
Thought I'd try your style of the rhyme being incomplete.. I like it.. though I'm noticing another thing you said.. rhyming is starting to creep into my normal thoughts!

I like that writing like this feels so natural :) never dreamed I'd meet anyone that bought this out of me

I've said a lot of the ways Iv thought of her.. but when I said about knowing she was safe.. there was a crash so close to hers last night.. I instantly panicked not knowing she was ok.. Iv always been a protective person of those I love.. but for her.. I would go through anything.. didn't realise how protective I could actually feel 😳

But GOD did I enjoy writing that one.. I'm absolutely on fire with these all of a sudden 😜
by 4_u October 3, 2023
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someone who is not in danger of being hurt etc
that man is safe because he is wearing a seatbelt
by bradley john September 4, 2007
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A code-word of the "gruellerese" dialect to denote getting high on pot.

See also: safety
Dude I had a bad day at work and was just dying to get safe when I got home!
by Bard April 28, 2003
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Having high quality of character so as not to be the type of (most often guy) who will fuck you over through association; Not a shmuck. (See Fuck Over)
Who? Daniel? No, man. Don't tease her about him He's safe, so chill. No need to be starting fights.
by Auduck September 27, 2005
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"what's going on" or "are you alright"
if you are meeting someone for the first time safe is usually used by making a closed fist with your hand and touching the other persons fist to greet them.
by Fusi Kid July 8, 2005
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