All alyssas have gigantic cocks.
Alyssa 1: I heard Alyssa has I ginoumous cock
Alyssa 2: yea it's pretty massive ig but mines bigger
by MongloidFucker May 22, 2017
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A girl that is an angel and means everything to me! This is the girl I love to death!
by B_ryannnn August 4, 2008
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An Alyssa is the type of girl that will cheer you up no matter what has happened. They are the one's that are always happy and crazy. If you meet an Alyssa and barely know her she WILL hold a conversation that will last at least 10 minutes.
Alyssa: Hey dont i know you?
Boy: We met on a bridge.
Alyssa: O yeah! how have you been?
--10 minutes later
Boy: Wow i really got to know you!
Alyssa: Yeah its been a great conversation!
by Ki-l February 26, 2007
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One of the prettiest, most beautiful girls you will ever meet. She's very smart, has the most gorgeous green eyes you will ever see, and has "incredibly good-looking" legs. On top of that, she's really nice and will never fail to make you laugh. When with her, you'll wish you will never have to leave her side. You will instantly fall in love with her from the first moment you see her, and you won't be able to forget about her. If you had to spend the rest of your life with someone, it would be Alyssa.
"Are you okay? You keep zoning out today."
"Sorry. Last night I danced with this one girl and now I just can't stop thinking about her..."
"Oh! It must've been Alyssa."
by That_One_BV_Guy May 31, 2009
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The most beautiful girl u will ever meet super nice and funny, often vegetarian but its ok cuz shes so hot, afraid of everything, and ticklish
Dam thats alyssa
bro she is sooooo vegitarian
by sp00k1e February 22, 2016
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A type of person who Is always on her phone and has headphones in. And likes doing outside activitys (sometimes)

If you ever meet a girl named Alyssa (be careful)........
"Hey Alyssa, you should come over it's been awhile since we've talked "
by NoOneCarezz November 24, 2016
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A one of a kind person whose sence of fun never wears down. Always up for fun and being silly, laughter is contagious so watch out!
An alyssa made me pee my pants laughng!
by Oriana Jesstine May 10, 2008
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