Cervical sex. Side effects include: severe pain and bleeding, 80% chance of ruining baby carrying potential, and a light feeling of death. Most likely a good idea to proceed immediately to the hospital after. Note it is an absolute prerequisite to attempt sex with the Fallopian tube - the 12th and penultimate base - superseded only by wound sex, such as skull fucking.
After 3 hours of using the osmotic cervical dilator, I penetrated directly into her womb, reaching the legendary 11th base.
by limitbreaker9000 February 2, 2019
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Hey mom, it’s October 11th.”
“It’s national coming out day
“Oh! Okay, well dad and I love you no matter what.”
I’m not gay mom, I was just letting you know what day it was”
by TikTokHeather October 16, 2019
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Me: you know what day it is

Friend: It’s May 11th
Me: And...
Friend: It’s your birthday!!
by Mother Duckling October 30, 2019
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the day to die and to jump off a roof
i am going to kill my self on May 11th
by kys and die March 3, 2020
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The sexiest motherfucker was born on this day. She’s a fr legend.
Oh that girl born on December 11th, she the bomb.
by Realest butch November 12, 2019
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