when she keep suckin it after u already nut
Guy #1: "Bro last night was crazy!"
Guy #2: "What happened bro?"
Guy #3: "I was talking with my younger cousin and she guacamole nigga penis'd me!"
by penis holderr 340 July 12, 2023
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Blacks dogging other blacks for selfish gain
Look at those clan niggas slaving that nigga to look good for master
by Nathaniel Cobb III January 19, 2021
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Niggas that act like master to impress master
Check out those Clan niggas slaving that nigga and treating him like we do..
by Nathaniel Cobb III January 19, 2021
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A derogatory label used towards people who feed of off the rule of authority providing a strict regime in a group setting.

A common misconception of this term is that it is directed towards African Americans, however that is not the case.
Person A: Hey look its Person C
Person B: That boy a Jigaboo Nigga
by TheGreatDic October 5, 2023
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A black guy that com.
Nigga 1:Hey are you a cum nigga?

Nigga 2: (cum)
by Cumnigga May 15, 2023
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