A greasy slug who masturbates often and plays fortnut
Colin Merriott diddled the kid.
by Bimbo brown November 7, 2019
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if you call someone a Colin Gross they are ginger and play clash and drums 24/7. They are a rare species of specimen who get on the nerves if everyone around them
Colin Gross stop playing clash! and find some friends to talk too!
by informer7819 February 14, 2019
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In reference to the popular Youtuber Colin Furze, a Colin Contraption is a device that has been haphazardly constructed and with a purpose so outlandish that it should definitely 100% explode from the moment it is activated under any given circumstance but instead, by some intervention of God himself, performs its purpose and to a degree that exceeds any reasonable expectation.
Person 1: "Are those fireworks shooting out of his lawn again?"
Person 2: "Yeah, he's built another Colin Contraption."
by biddersss November 22, 2021
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A guy who bleached his hair, so now he looks like Eminem. He's still funny as shit, though.
by Anonymous February 22, 2003
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Half white, half Asian, all fat. Some call him Hockey Donkey, most just call him an ediot. A man by the name of Colin Wong is often found waddling over to Munchies to eat some munchie chunks, often disregarding his doctor's frequent warnings of obesity. His BMI currently stands at 59.4. May we all pray for him.
Damn, that Colin Wong is eating munchie chunks again
by SBA Anonymous November 23, 2021
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Is a sexual position that requires a kitchen counter, an oral expert, a novelist, a Velociraptor named Blue, and the womanizer. Not recommended for amateurs. Generic womanizers are ok, but brand name is recommended; make sure womanizer is fully charged before attempting.
Lisa is going to get some Doc Colin action tonight.
by Sparkly Narwhal August 7, 2018
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