Retarded and autistic and dumb and clumsy but popular
by Sammi🤪 March 17, 2019
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Sammi is amazing and no one can say otherwise.

You either love her or.. Or die.
There's not really any other option.
I stg if anyone insults her I will destroy you all.
God: what happens if I click this button
Angel: um it's kinda like you make an adorable reincarnation of Jesus
God: Ok-

Sammi: *exists*
Joey: aw

Kyla: aw

Joey and Kyla: we protecc, we attacc
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She's the type of person that you shouldn't trust. She will back stab you while you don't notice. She says she 'loves you' but it's fake, as she is just using you. If you have a friend named sammi, watch out!
by themysteriouspoetwriter September 12, 2021
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Big titty drainer girl who has an edating addiction and gets manipulated easily
Did you hear about Sammi? She has big tittys and gets manipulated
by gaelslatt April 4, 2022
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A rat who’s likes anime to much. A very gay and queer person. A person who you go to when you have problems or to joke about trauma with. Very funny and is the main character. Very fruity.
Look at SAMMI they just beat up a homophobe
by Juniperthephrog August 11, 2021
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