Simply the past tense of “I like you” the use of “liked” stands for you broke their heart and they don’t feel like going back to you anymore, nothing could ever compare to you until you had to ruin everything.
I liked you can be said as a friend and or as more than a friend. Can be said as=
- “I liked you. But you hurt me, Megan.”
by I wish?? July 18, 2020
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1. A reference to Nuklear Power's web comic 8 Bit Theater where the Fighter repeats the phrase to the Guard, who can only reply "Welcome to Cornelia." Used to show automatic responses in nerdy groups and express disinterest in the topic.

2. Way of saying you prefer penis to pussy
Guy 1: Want to hear about my surgery?
Guy 2: No.
Guy 1: Well it went great.
Guy 2: I like swords
Guy 1: *continues to go on
Guy 2: *Every few minutes I like swords

Girl: Who are you here with tonight?
Gay guy: I like swords
by Tweedle_the_Bard January 18, 2020
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