A fuzzy frenzy is when you get your friends drunk, go to a costume shop, by animal costumes and run around like maniacs.
Damn, we got drunk last night and I ended with a bear trying to hump me in my rabbit suit.. It was a fuzzy frenzy.
by MuddyBottoms November 20, 2022
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a pair of thick fuzzy socks that a man cums in and shoves into his partners mouth keeping her quiet.
He shoved the sticky warm fuzzy socks into her mouth and she was quiet.
by fuzzysocks May 3, 2021
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meaning that a person is highly confused and slow, not knowing what they are doing and or what is going on. It can also mean that a person is beng dick sometimes.
by takty August 11, 2010
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A Fuzzy Noodle is an example of a nickname comparing animals to noodles

In this case a Ferret
Also see Danger Noodle
Me:Look at this fuzzy noodle I just got!
You:a what?
Me:a fuzzy noodle
by Dragon0f0range January 18, 2020
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Schnoodle that sits on your shoulder.
I thought I got a dog. Turns out, it’s a fuzzy parrot.
by Lynz0613 August 29, 2022
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Pubes left behind on toilet seats in public restrooms.
Dude, that restroom is disgusting. There's shit on the walls, piss on the floors, fuzzy toppings everywhere....
by Jubei69 December 12, 2017
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When you're sleeping naked and something fuzzy somehow slides down your buttcrack.
I was sleeping naked with my wife, when all of a sudden, the dog jumped into the bed and it's foot gave me a fuzzy woompet.
by Joeyp563 February 15, 2023
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