A computer application that only covers a single, distinct, area of functionality with little or no integration with other processes or other applications e.g. a simple calendar application or a business application that has complex functionality, but on for a distinct business process function such as creating and approving Purchase orders, but no direct integration/inter-dependencies with others functions, such as Financial Reporting or Stock Control in external applications or where activated as part of the same application (therefore not a Single Function Application).
The point is that Single Function Applications more likely to be SaaS products as they are less likely to need customisation or additional coding specifically for an individual installation (customer) or Integration testing.
Therefore Single Function Applications may be easily developed with traditional Agile values, rather than needing a Hybrid approach (e.g. a 'Waterfall' Integration and/or Regression Test phase after development Sprints and before Shipping each Release).
I'm developing a Single Function Application which doesn't integrate with any other areas of functionality, so I won't need to do any Integration testing with other applications of other areas of functionality.
by MattJKing71 April 10, 2019
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is defined by poor people confused by the republicans propaganda to vote against their own financial interests.

A republican who lives in a single wide trailer.
by Chris Lamb Jr December 20, 2020
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When a female stimulates herself using an inanimate, unmovable object.
Cindy has been single scissoring against the bedpost.
by Staunchy McStaunchington April 23, 2021
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Basically a loser; if you've never been in a relationship you suck
Have you heard about the new student?
Yeah, apparently they're forever single
Makes sense, who'd want to date...that?
by Space Girl ✨ May 30, 2023
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Hym 'Man, I wish I could manage to give a single fuck but alas I just do not care about any of that. The value ain't going to matter. The is actually only one thing that matters and until it's remediated I just could care less about anything."
by Hym Iam August 13, 2023
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when most people in America are single which is why they don’t get the net worth they want and why the government has more tax money than they would have if most people were married.
The state single structure made Americans not be in the millionaires and billionaires club but be worth a new 7-series BMW.
by Coop Dupe January 7, 2020
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