Alex Thomas is a bent who wanks over his teachers. He once asked his mate JP to “do it” and then then proceeded to finger his arsehole. He simps for girls and also has a severe case of knob cheese
Alex Thomas: “Lets do it...”
by user_heks7384783 June 20, 2020
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The moment when you have a moment where you are slow to process simple information
“What color is a firetruck?” “Uhhhhh sorry, I just had a Thomas moment
by Thomaslover5572 March 22, 2022
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has a nose ring

is swag

likes to vibe

he looks at girls in the car window
do you know thomas headon ??
yeah he’s so swag
by toemasheadon June 20, 2021
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To do something incredibly stupid, repeatedly. Usually involves an action that is more harmful to yourself than others. Esp when involves lying.
I tried to help him out after his girlfriend kicked him out, but he thomas-upped and I had to bail him out of jail.

She was all over him, but he thomas'd it up and went home alone!

I invited him over for a drink, but he thomas'd me and I had to call the cops.
by weALLknow January 25, 2011
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The most gentlemanly, Respectful, Charming, Seductive, Alluring...(You get the point)..Man alive- er...never mind. His cheek bones forgot to protect him, and he got stabbed.

Deserved better. 10/10 Good boy; only let his sister kill his wives twice.
"Did you watch Crimson Peak?"
"No, not yet, whats it about?"
"Its about this girl, and this guy names Thomas Sharpe, who is so handsome and- gods his voice is great-"
"You've got me hooked with that, lemme pull up netflix."
by Adhdwriter August 3, 2021
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Is when when u whisper in a girls ear right before u nut and tell her ur spider senses are tingling and then u pull and bust all over her face
I travis thomas that chick last night.
by tt412 February 26, 2016
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Really twitchy little kidd loves to talk about iPhone eleven pretty funny guy will 100% Make you laugh at him. some words associated with Thomas Kidd are apple, Tesla, google, forknight,
My moms shares in westjet, repetitive, and he loves his soys sauce hat.
Oh fuck guys here comes Thomas Kidd
by Thomas Kidd October 15, 2019
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