To creep on a prospect's social networking profile before meeting them in order to gain a social advantage when actually meeting and conversing with said prospect.
Henry - "I like this girl but I know nothing about her, and I'm going to a party tonight where she'll be."
Clyde - "You should totally pre-friend her so you have something to talk about!"
by grimymonkey May 29, 2013
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A friend who does not reciprocate effort. Frequently flakey, barely responds to text messages, doesn’t show up when you ask them to. You help them but they don’t help you.
“Is Emma coming to your birthday dinner?”

“I wouldn’t bet on it, she’s a crusty friend.”
by notshelbae October 5, 2023
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1) When something completely ridiculous happens in real life that was actually a part of an episode of "Friends"

2) Forcing a conversation so as to quote a line from the the show "Friends"
Eric: We're not going to get this couch up the stairs unless we cut it in half.
Dean: We might as well, then this "Friends" moment will be complete.

Steve: Are you sure you know where we're going?
Paul: Are you sure you know how to dress yourself?
Steve: What?
Paul: Or something else that's mean about you.
Steve: That was the worst "Friends" moment ever.
by Uncle Richard June 24, 2010
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someone you went on a date with and didn’t have chemistry, but the banter is awesome so you just text or call when you need a good laugh or some great conversation
The date didn’t work out, but we texted for hours last night and now we’re friends with banterfits
by Barbara Handbag October 19, 2018
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