Chad ‘what is dos???’
Juliegrace is’
by Gradedos April 29, 2022
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When a man has such a good dick its sinful
Dick of Sin
Girl! He has a DOS
by Wulllllf September 18, 2020
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fuck someone until they pass out.

Has its origin in Computer Networks: Repeatedly sending data/requests to a server so much that it crashes down.
Girl A: How was your night?
Girl B: It was amazing, my bf DoSed me last night.
by i7coreprocessor February 23, 2022
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Q: Okay bro imma go dos now
M: Same, imma dos too
by Gwababakiller$ July 6, 2023
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a curse word used when you don't actually want to curse
a useful tool for pissing off teachers because they can't say shit
originated in southwestern ohio

alternately means "two" in spanish
teacher: pop quiz
kid: awww dude what the dos!!!!!!
teacher: ... ok
by milk steak >:) February 25, 2020
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A guy who has multiple relationships ongoing at the same time. He will invite more than one of his girls to his own party on the same night, and he often has his girls on rotation so he can get fucked any given night. All of the girls recognize each other at every party, but are all unaware that Dos has been sleeping with all of them and having them share the same towel to use after they shower.
Most Doses are “rappers” or “trappers”. Red flag to keep your eye out for.
It is also common for a Dos to lie about his age, for instance he may say he’s 26 but actually be turning 30. You may also find out he has 2 kids with 2 different baby mommas. Also that he has 6 mugshots for several charging including terroristic threats/ actions.

Doses are pieces of work.
“Omg that guy I was hanging out with was such a Dos!”

“Somebody needs to tell that girl that she’s getting Dosed.”
by boistate69 December 7, 2020
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