Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
Write for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
by LTW64writes April 30, 2022
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something everyone who has made more than 2 definitions has asked themselves but ha not decided to ever get help for. you are not alone.
*opens computer *opens urban dictionary *types in " why am i spending many minutes making random definitions on urban dictionary instead of doing something better with my life? " *realizes he is worthless
by Random schoolkid June 27, 2021
Get the why am i spending many minutes making random definitions on urban dictionary instead of doing something better with my life? mug.