When you drive fast over a small hill in the road giving the feeling of 0G for a moment.
"Step on it, we can do a thank you ma'am here."
by Dirty760 July 24, 2021
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1. The act of having sex without even bothering to try to get the woman to orgasm. Usually lasts for about five seconds.

2. The act of having sex with a neophyte (someone new to something.
Without much knowledge pertaining to a subject) PERFECT

3. A one-night stan-d is where two people have a sexual encounter, where there is no expectation of establishing a romantic relationship
I went out last night hooked up with some guy and let me tell you "Wham bam thank you Stan".
by -unkown March 8, 2014
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The National thank Braden for his service day (NTBFHSD) is an event that takes place on the 10th of October to congratulate every moderator going by the name "Braden" for their service towards their community.
by frappemorelikepappe October 8, 2022
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Thanks For The Heads Up
I sent you porn.
Thanks for the heads up.
by HOLLASTELLA! January 27, 2019
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Thank is a swear that is commonly used in schools, business and even at home. The word you is usually after the word thank.
This is the ONLY swear that you won’t get scolded after you say it.
Thank you for ripping my homework.
Thank your dear life.
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Thank is a swear commonly used in schools, business and even at home. Usually the word that goes after thank is you.
This is the ONLY swear that you can ever say in the public without getting scolded.
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Thanks is a racist word and should never be tolerated
*black man*: “Hi sir”
*White man*:thanks

*Everyone*: 😱😱😱 canceled
by KINGBUDDY October 13, 2021
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