meaning steaming

i was absolutly leagued last night
i was out on the lash and i got utterly leagued last night
by shipmatey February 20, 2009
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-Bro I cant get into the YMCA by our house
--Really? I got leagued by them yesterday
by j.e.v. November 24, 2010
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Lists of schools or colleges from the best down to the worst
League tables for schools and colleges may actually help unintentionally to perpetuate inequalities, while claiming to promote the raising of standards.
by Jud'Ed March 23, 2018
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A League of Legends player who LOVES the game and has a borderline addiction to it. They're known for grooming other gamers into being League Lovers.
So you're a League Lover now?
by MrGaming99 November 22, 2021
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The lines on one's stomach because of their fat rolls due to an excessive amount of time spent playing the game League of Legends
You've been playing so much League of Legends that you have league lines, go hit the gym.
by DWooster April 12, 2017
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When a league of legends player has a hard time enjoying games different from league of legends.
Often happens to player who are very competitive, And different games of different difficulties tend to be too little of a challenge. Of course some times the difficulty is unrelated and even the hardest game , Will still be considered easy compared to the likelihood of over-topping another player online.
Jon: "Oh dude you should play this new "Title" That is coming out, It looks sick!
Bob: "No thanks man I'm just gonna league"

Jon: "But dude , All you do is play league"
Bob: "What can I say , Single player games are too easy"
Jon: "Bob I think you might be suffering from "League poisoning"
by MrHangetsu June 23, 2019
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