Tristan is usually a pretty built kid with long gorgeous brownish hair usually has a pretty big dick and likes to date Karina's usually wears a good looking hoodie and is very good in bed
Tristan is dummy thicc
by Old Spicey Lad January 19, 2020
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Boy who is listening you even if you talk 5 hours, you are gonna feel like “sugar-BROCKHAMPTON” song whenever you are talking with him,you are gonna feel like someone is cuddling you under the navy blue sky with stars while talking with him.If i describe him with 3 words ;cutie,smart,kind he is cute as a red panda :))
Ian:yeah but not cute as much as “Tristan”
by Fraguador June 16, 2023
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Tristan cares alot mabe to much he often puts himself down but is a kind careing person who will love you for who you are till the day you die he'll never let you feel alone and he'll always make you smile just help him out sometimes too for all you know it may just be a mask
person1:OMG did you hear about Tristan
person2:who hasent hes awsome
by Wicked_Impulse56 February 13, 2023
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Tristan is a bisexual man hung like an absolute horse. He is cute, smart, funny, and sexy. He has all the appeal and is always a top.
Man 1: "Bro, have you fucked Tristan yet?:
Man 2: "Yeah, that shit was fucking awesome! He came inside of me 5 times!
by creampai March 27, 2022
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The most amazing person I know. He is so kind and patient. He usually has beautiful and mesmerizing eyes. His a very goofy and funny person but he can relate to your humor if he wants to. If he is your partner, never let him go. Tristan is a rare person to come by. He will try his hardest and put in a lot of effort even if he doesn't show it. Even though sometimes he makes mistakes, deep down he really loves you more than you think so hold on to him. If you're one of his close friends, he really cares for you. Tristan isnt the type of person who shows affection. Make sure to compliment and check u on him often because he doesnt like to show hs emotions!
Tristan is a wonderful person
by harcoresimp May 20, 2022
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The type of guy who tries his hardest, every chance he gets to talk to women and make them like him. He is the biggest simp you will ever see. Wherever you see a group of girls, you will probably find Tristan trying to talk to them. He does the most in his power to get girls to like him, and always talks about how he's everyone's favorite. He's kind of egotistical, and can be an asshole when around a group of men, but if you are one on one with him, he can actually be really enjoyable to talk to.
Ah shit, there's Tristan, always trying to impress those girls.
by big boy monkey October 29, 2022
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