When you walk up and down the station uncomfortable bacause your bus/train takes to long to arrive.
fuck this train is slow, better start a station patrol!
by YOURaverageBOI October 13, 2018
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This term is used in Poker, when you are at a table which is full of calling station players.
Screw this $1/$2 table, its calling station city!
by Tymmo December 29, 2006
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A used condom that is left at a gas station preferably found in the bathroom
Man 1 “Ay I tried a gas station gogurt and I think I have hemorrhoids and aids.”

Man 2 “yeah those outta fuck you up if you don’t prepare them right.”
by Broski119 April 21, 2023
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A place were broke bitches go to get gas, Normally a place where drugs are sold.
Driving up in my Toyota civic and then I notice he drunk homeless dude at the Shell gas station doing heroin.
by Redsalt December 6, 2021
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Stational: In relation or pertaining to a particular station. This is often used to describe the specific environment of a test station.
That particular configuration is found no where outside of that station. It is entirely stational.
by Thezarus August 22, 2017
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Pissing in a hole during sex it's most commonly used during anal sex but can be used during vaginal penetration or oral sex as well.
I gave my girl a dirty gas station last night.
by MINNISOTA10 May 11, 2022
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Guy 1: "Have you heard PlayStation is getting a sequel, the Play Station 5"
Guy 2: " GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, I am calling the police."
by Jakeslayer September 13, 2022
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