Amanda gave JJ a Dutch oven but JJ called it a country kitchen and Amanda didn’t understand.
by Amanda1215 December 26, 2020
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When you have fun with your friend and/or someone speacial at an awesome ammu's kitchen in your locality,making merry and saving them bucks. Bang for the buck basically. Pun Intended,maybe.
GF - Lets call in food tonight and netflix and chill.

ME - Let's just order from ammu's kitchen and Chill.
Damm that tastes so must be good it must be ammu's kitchen
by Mrnik November 26, 2021
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That guy who does everything way cheaper than your local business'. Need a haircut, call Kitchen Steve, Tattoo? He's not licensed but he got this cool tattoo gun off eBay once and he practices on himself.
Dude you don't need to pay $60 for that haircut man, Kitchen Steve will do it for $10. Let me give him a call!
by ChaoticFreedoms October 30, 2020
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The scene of one of the most magnificent moments of history
"Hey Dimitri, I just had a crazy hamburger from made in the Joker Kitchen"
"Damn Limstoph, I have never been more jealous of anyone in all my 69 years on this earth"
by Dry_Moisture December 11, 2020
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