Crushing a blunt with a giant ass hammer. Then taking a credit card and forming the weed into a giant super blunt. Then lighting it up and taking a hit through a straw.
Hey dude I got myself a blunt today, let's do some Weed Wacking!
by DickKickem101 April 27, 2017
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‘Did you see what happened in that old people’s home yesterday!? One of the nurses got caught salad wacking one of the residents!’
by retarded salad January 27, 2021
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‘Did you see what happened in that old people’s home yesterday!? One of the nurses got caught salad wacking one of the residents!’
by retarded salad January 27, 2021
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could be used when something isn’t it like bruh shit wack
p1: hey how has your day been
p2: bruh shit wack 🙅 ♀️
by gvgiss May 5, 2022
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a kid named james that uses someone else hand to jack themselves off Last name usually starts with S
Jimmy got a jimmy wack from meghan
by Walter manner May 29, 2012
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A cancerous phrase that gains traction for whatever reason. Usually seen through addictive dance moves and terrible rap lyrics. Wack holes suck even normies into their wack ways.
I can’t stop singing “I’m so lit right now”. It’s a wack hole.
by brickcheddar April 3, 2018
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