A challenge of wanking during an advert break and climaxing before your television programme returns. The ability to do so can vary depending on the content and length of the adverts.
Today, I succeeded with my first ad wank. I'm officially an ad wanker.
by Mottymania May 9, 2019
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Cristian is like the best in he world has a very very big c*ock not like Adams small d*ck he flashed out on our faces he is really funny always makes people smile gets friend zone sometimes because he is a little to late to ask out girls , wishes he was remembered to this day non cocky like Adams small cock and likes these girls very much ****************************add him on snap to hhm to get to know him better than ever. And he is not sexy he is cute sadly lol
Hey Ada* what do u think about Cristian. Bro I’m in elitches right now bro she said she wanted to smash bro she said she want to suck it first lol hey have u heard about Cristian AD he is a great guy
by Cristian AD August 6, 2019
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To cum into absurdity. Something that Is so absurd, you and the audience cum into absurdity.
by Owenymous May 6, 2022
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ad-mented reality in google street view is... well just weird...

Ad-Mented Reality, term coined first by Molly Wood, January 13th, 2009, on Buzz Out Loud Episode 1144
by highac3s January 13, 2010
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A fallacy (a part of ad hominem) when someone dismiss speaker's argument and attacking speaker's personality by using LGBTIQ+++ slur
A: (Finishing presentation) Any questions or opinions?
B: That's so gay <= B deliberately doing reductio ad homosexual by using LGBTIQ++ slur to attack A's personality and dismissing A's argument
by Sir. B February 16, 2021
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A set of annoying ads that has a slow piano noise and an African American guy talking about us.
That face that's usually covered our face has finally made an appearance.
by June 29, 2021
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Hym "He isn't even selling the Peterson Academy TO THE STUDENTS. He's talking straight TO the employees! The ad is literally HIM (Not me Hym but HIM, him) selling the students TO the employers BEFORE HE EVEN HAS ANY STUDENTS! 'I don't have any mandingos NOW but when I do they'll be the best mandingos around! So buy-er "hire them preferentially" from me! MY mandingos will be high in trait conscientiousness and general cognitive ability' It's insane! And I would know! I mean, at least when I dehumanize people THEY have (on some level) dehumanized ME FIRST! But he doesn't even acknowledge the students as a reality. What are the students getting? I still don't know."
by Hym Iam September 30, 2023
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