A watch preferably a plain digital Casio which is set to the wrong time for aviation purposes
I just got my Zulu watch so now i wont be late for any more flights.
by fly4awhiteguy August 7, 2012
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When you hold on to a poo that long you pass the cramps stage and think you have made it, but then out of nowhere a sharp debilitating pain right shiits through your bum hole and takes you feet from under you.
Shit, i held onto it so long that as i walked up the stairs to the toilet i had zulu spear and collapsed and slid to the bottom
by Sy massive July 28, 2023
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A white man who is very fond of chasing tail, especially after extremly large black women. The native call for the Zulu Warrior is fist pumping into the air while screaming ZULU!!! Typical places to spot a Zulu Warrior is at a KFC or a welfare station.
Nick you are such a Zulu Warrior. Who else would tap that!
by BrownThunder92019 August 21, 2011
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Iss that pretty motherfucker that everyone fucks whit- no doubt, she never caps and keeps things 100 all all times
by Zeddie zulu May 15, 2020
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I don't advise going there at night. It's a real zulu-sphere.
by Roger McMahon March 22, 2006
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When one person uses a straw to shoot cocaine into another persons anus.
Bruce, would you like a Zulu Warrior?
by ZuluOrange June 14, 2017
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When you tightly wrap up a chicks face with her own bra and/or panties and proceed to gangbang her at least 4 deep.
Shit bruh, I was honestly suprised at how enthusiastic she was about that Zulu Death Mask she endured last Saturday.
by Ranchgirls December 7, 2020
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