god Mikey your being such an asshole, VOID!
by Kelsey August 3, 2004
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a deep feeling of discomfort, characterized by having a "void" in your stomach. If you're feeling voided, it's hard to concentrate on anything. This can happen just from normal anxiety, or from drug withdrawals
Person 1: hey, can we talk?

Person 2: yeah sure, what's wrong?

Person 1: I dunno just been feelin' voided lately. I binged too much molly last weekend
by #FreeKekistan June 24, 2017
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Void is dick cheese.
The cheese that forms on the knob / penis after prolonged periods without washing it.
The raven will then come to eat this cheese.
"Dude, the raven ate my void dude"
by FloofiWan August 3, 2018
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"Dude, I totally stuck it in her void."
by Yomamaissohawt January 27, 2009
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The wall of deadly darkmatter that is indestructable... In The Void series, tanks fired missiles at it and they bounced back with even more power... It looks like Clocktopia will be torn apart... Nooooo...
by Zafficlock February 24, 2004
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The name given to a group of red heads. Relates to the lack of soul exhibited by said individuals where all that remains is a "void"
Person A : Well the temperature sure did drop suddenly. What is that shining light in the distance.
Person B: RUN it is a void.
by IEatCatSoul August 28, 2020
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