A nickname given to the popular YouTuber CodeWithSwastik by his fans and community.
Person 1: Bro Swas takes years to upload!
Person 2: IKR!!!
by ShushBruh June 14, 2022
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Dude you see that guy who just got up off that chair, he just left some SWAS on it.
by Joelisnotmyname June 3, 2023
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A swa swa is a habitual know it all who tries to act like they're all that, but really are just overcompensating because they know they are not really all that and are actually insecure deep inside
We were trying to get Dave to join in our game of catch, but he was being such a swa swa that we didn't even bother to ask
by Bumbledy May 7, 2021
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