Someone of black skin that steals basketball hoops while you are deployed in afghanistan
Wow look at that hoop stealer hes got 20 inch rims
by docswenson May 8, 2010
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A member of the Protestant faith. During the Irish Famine (1845-1848) Soup Kitchens were setup by different religious organisations and charities to help the starving irish community. The Protestants, however, did not offer any aid during these times and therefore kept the soup for themselves.
Warren: There's an awful smell of soup off yer man over there!
John: What???
Warren: Fuckin' Soup Stealer!
John: What???
Warren: A Prod!
by warrenbt January 12, 2007
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1.A social stealer is someone who steals people. Not Kidnappers. This person could steal your friend, best friend, boyfriend/girlfriend, etc.
To get what they want. These people are usually clever and likable.
You may find it hard to pick a social stealer out in a crowd.
2. To steal the spotlight. These would be people who may lower your popularity or win your popularity. They steal friends, lovers, fans, etc. Possibly ruining someone's social life by being liked.

"She is such a fucking social stealer. My boyfriend made out with her!"
"Dude, what the hell. Everybody's calling Bobby a player. He made out with my girl. He's just a social stealer!"
"Didn't you hear? She made out with her best friend's boyfriend! Everybody's giving her the shit! I think all three of them are totally social stealing!"
by Lovely. June 16, 2008
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someone (or groups) who follow the trends to ridiculous levels often. For example when Avril first became popular, all the little teeny boppers ditched their Britney clothes to convert to baggy pants and singlets with ties.
phil "hey, weren't those kids wearing tutu's last week"
janice "yeah, this week theyre hardcore emo's, damn star stealers'!"
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someone so obsessed with men and their orgasm that they arent satisfied until they cum.

def. 2 a woman so hell bent on gettin pregnant that she pokes holes in a condon to insure pregnancy.
Jeff was so tired but Helen was such a semen stealer that she didnt care.

Ex. 2. Helen wanted to keep Jeff so bad that she became a semen steeler to trap him.
by March 30, 2009
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worse than a cock block and only female - this person sees you hitting it off with a guy, then proceeds to steal said guy
yesterday sam and i were totally hitting it off, flirting and laughing and having a grand ole' time. then that COCK STEALER BITCH regina stole him away from me and ended up having sex with him. WHATTABITCH.
by cock stolen December 10, 2009
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A dirty rotten hoe that steals husbands and other peoples children. If you live in Leeds, UK keep your husbands locked up or she'll take them.
Woman 1: "That Tracey Mackie has been seen with Susans Husband"

Woman 2: "She'll rob him blind and split up his family cos she's a husband stealer'
by SardineMethod1940 July 15, 2010
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