"Wow, Mike. I never looked at it that way before. You're so smart."

by juxtaposer December 25, 2008
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A person who has fine eyesight but wears glasses with proper lenses because if makes them "smart".
Say an idiot with fine eyesight put on proper glasses, he would become a smart.
I am a smart!
That bloke over there is a smart.
You're a smart?
Woah. You just did a smart.
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Usually a remark made when someone shows an act of stupidity. Also see dumbnut, stupidhead, retard, fool, or slow.
"Umm, 5 x 5 is 30."
"Way to go, smarts."
by Jaquie January 10, 2007
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Having intelect; Not stupid;
I do well in skool, i am smart
by den March 26, 2003
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Having intelligence or experiencing minor pain.

Also a well known alias, smarts is said to be one of the harder people online to get along with. However, if you manage to befriend him he is one of the best friends you could ever have. Sly wit, morbid humor, but mainly one of the intelectually lazy.
*** smarts (smarts@tGoM.owned.us) has joined #lobby
(smarts): hi ;)
*** Hutch (java@blah.consolidated.net) Quit (Quit: i hate smarts)
*** Chimera (java@hehe.ipt.aol.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
*** Akkarin (Aura@hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: I don't want to be here anymore)
*** helba (TonGueFoo@Discipl3.net) Quit (Quit: die smarts)
by tGoM September 17, 2006
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