Why does everybody want to pronounce this word as "Shitehead"? That's an entirely different word, from a Scots origin. Shithead is a very simple insult - it just means cretin, imbecile, unpleasant person, tosser, worthless pile of wank... just anyone who upset you recently. (and how do you change the pronunciation entry for an item that already has one posted???)
George Bush junior- what a fucking SHITHEAD!!!
by notapaki July 31, 2003
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any of the orange and green o-shaped cereal pieces in the Apple Jacks family of cereals; ie Apple Jacks, Apple Zings, Apple Dapples, Apple Rings, Apple Zaps etc. It's all the same shithead.
Did you know shithead burns? Yup, it doesn't matter if it is Apple Rings or Apple Zaps, if you light it, it will burn. All those cereals taste alike too.
by I'm Not LIke You Guys May 16, 2020
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A magical, majestic, and magical YouTube Video
I'm shithead and I walk like this, I'm shit head and I dance like this, I'm shithead and I can only count to six, what the heck come after six?
by arkoudo February 24, 2020
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Someone who treats everyone like they’re his servants or something

Most of the time has no friends

And his family probably hates how he acts
“Bro, Bryan is such a shithead to everyone
by Just another random dumbass March 28, 2020
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card game with very complicated rules, but is still the best card game. can be made into a very nasty drinking game
anyone fancy a game of shithead?
by hound January 16, 2004
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a person who has shit on their head

persons who hair smells like poo
wow did you smell steph wents hair when she walked by, it smelt like shit. She's a shithead for sure.

Steph thinks shes so cool with that piece of shit on her head.

Stephs head stinks, what a shithead
by zurm1 December 14, 2010
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A student or Alumni of The South Harmon Institute of Technology (SHIT)
"So... are you saying you're a SHIThead?"

"I'm saying I'm a SHIThead."

by Dark Doppelganger February 26, 2010
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