Where a group of two or more people play call of duty for a ridiculous amount of time - usually into the early hours of the morning. This involves a shitload of banter!!

Sesh comes from the word session.
Cod is short for call of duty and is a fuckin intense fps!!
'Sesh it up boiiis'
'Sesh on cod mate'
'Big sesh tonight lads'
'Sesh from 6 til 6 yeah?'
by yeah_sesh November 4, 2009
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Used to mean going skating with your homies up until recently a bunch of "lads" adopted it for there gatherings with excessive drug use :/
Lad A"Lads sesh tonight?"
Lad B"Yes lad let me call the plug"

Or how I still use it

Rad 90s skater dude "yo dude wanna sesh?"
Gnarly skater "cheahhh dood let's shred"
by Morley Turnip January 30, 2017
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Short for Session. means to chill or have a good time .
Yea we had a sweet chill sesh last night.
by rob9095 March 11, 2007
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The sesh is a large event where there is lots of alcohol and under age drinking the sesh lords are ellas it’s also important to have shit eccie beats major things can happen in a sesh especially up a hill
Darren: you coming up the hill tonight for a sesh
Jack: aye a am, a hope the absolute sesh lord ella is up tonight

Darren: aye mate we’ll have mad eccie beats

Jack: hahaha and maste shenanigans in the bushes with ella

by Seshlord69 May 5, 2018
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The act of smoking marijuana with group of people.
Hey, wanna sesh tonight?

Sure, but I don’t have anymore weed, you mind if I bum some off ya?
That’s fine.
by COVID42069 October 4, 2020
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An event in which mainly teenagers take/drink an excessive amount of drugs and/or alcohol, with some seshes leading to hospital . They often involve non-initiated sesh gremlins being peer pressured into drug taking or alcohol drinking.
“Man once your in the sesh there’s no backing out
“Sesh till I drop!”

by Nb20012001 November 1, 2017
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A sesh is where a bunch of Chavy teens go to a gaff or the local woods to take excessive amounts of alcohol and drugs
“Here you gan t the sesh ihnight”

Seshing tonight lads”
by SpunkyTits22 November 3, 2018
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