Nickname for Pittsburgh Penguins forward GARY ROBERTS, who is just plain bad ass 24/7, even at 42 years of age.
Scary Gary will end the Ottawa Senators playoff run... again.

Scary Gary beat the shit out of Ben Eager, who is young enough to be his son... BAD ASS!
by McLovin' April 13, 2008
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Scary Otto is our Lord
Human 1: Who is scary otto?
by Carrot_daddy April 7, 2020
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The Scary Jokes is a synthpop musician from New Jersey! Their music is super interesting and cool and quite often gay✨
Me: have you heard of The Scary Jokes?
Person: oh yeah! i love that band
Me: here's a ring, marry me
by floralprinting June 17, 2021
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When your uncomfortably high and you try to take a shower to come down and you feel sick, and it’s scary just seeing regular things, anxiety levels are real high
Dude 1- “Bro I was so high last night I had to take a scary shower”
Dude 2- “Shiet brother that’s the worst, I hate scary showers”
by Hashsmokinstoner December 30, 2017
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"Hey look at me, my next book is going to be about a scary tree" - quoted directly from King himself
by Mitchi August 15, 2004
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Scary dog describes someone who is protective and scary looking
Usually used to describe a goth/emo girlfriend, boyfriend, or lover
Y: Who are they
M: Oh don't worry they're my scary dog :)
by Oikawa_Simp00 May 5, 2021
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When you're at the point where you can't trust your farts anymore because you might shit yourself. Usually results in painted toilet bowls and sweaty moments on the can.
Oh man Jarrett is sweating hard and waddling fast towards that bathroom, he must have Scary butt.
by The Scariest Butt April 8, 2023
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