Means to uterly destroy a boon in any game they want to.
me:fight me if you want u will get pwned
you: yeah right i will pwn you
me: (Slams head on keyboard) die hoe
you: o shit i cant stop him im pwned
by Charles Street March 3, 2005
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like ownage, only more pwnage
i PWN ur mim into the core!!!!1111111oneoneone
by PWNAGE_MERCHANT October 11, 2003
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The act of dominating a person in a video game; mostly used in reference to "n00bs".
"Dude, I showed those n00bs on WoW some serious pwnage!"
by Bianca Burton June 17, 2008
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A term in which "Leet Haxors" use to describe a past event which required completing a counter-strike game done the #nFc way.
Oh man, that was pwnage.
I saw nFc today! Man, they have some serious pwnage!
by Synergy June 19, 2003
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A series of events that involves the act of doing/receiving (depending on the indivdual's status in situation) any certain amount of ownage (or 'pwnage')
An example of receiving 'pwnage': A guy in a wheelchair falls off a building into an ocean and gets eaten by a shark.

An example of pwning someone: One throw a set of large scissors into his friend/room-mate's arm, causing him to die of suffocation due to loss of blood
by Nik and Mauricio May 7, 2007
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Two definition.
1:something you can give
2:something you can take

Pwnage is the quite hilarious and joyful event of being annihilated
or giving doom to another person, persons or non-person..Usually resulting in an after-death tea-bag, rape, or "thrown off a cliff" action
N00bish One-Dude did you totally see that pwnage??
N00bish Two- I wish I could, but your arse is bumping my facee
by igetpwnedtoo January 31, 2008
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The art of owning someone. Albert Einstien invented this when he was typing a shitty story on the computer.

"As I looked into his eyes... we went closer and closer and... I slapped her upside the face


He accidently typed. When he was finished with his shitty novel, all the assholes if the world bought it, and soon, everyone knew and used the word "Pwnage"!
Amanda bitch-slapped Charlie in the face. Soonafter, Stan appeared from no-where and screamed

by ShadowUT0625 July 17, 2009
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