Woefully misguided effort in renaming or rebranding in order to appeal to a "younger" market.

Scratchy: Ooh, Poochie is one outrageous dude.
Itchy: He's totally in my face.
Comcast's renaming to xfinity is totally an example of poochie-ism.
by jerko the VIII February 15, 2010
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A 30 something year old woman, sometimes with a British accent. A pessimist that wants everybody to feel miserable. Extremely sarcastic and hard to take seriously.
J: "Yo Emma check it out it's Poochie Mama"
E: "We better stay away from her, she aint legit!"
by Legitperson123 December 17, 2011
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A cape Cod tradition by which certain nurses apply powder to their pooches to avoid chaffing.
Before ginny came to work, she powdered her poochie....

Ginny had to get up early this morning, because she had to powder the poochie.
by Surgical_Scott March 16, 2011
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A particularly ugly hoochie. A combination of calling someone dog ugly and a trashy slut. Also a term for the community stray female dog who breeds packs of mutts.
Guy 1: "Damn, did you get a look at that ugly ass hoochie?"

Guy 2: " She is definitely a hoochie poochie looking bitch. Bow wow."
by Mackmar February 20, 2018
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A Pittsburgh Poochie is a college-aged female who attends either University of Pittsburgh or Carnegie Mellon University. This female has one goal in life, to find and marry an ivy-league man, specifically a finals club member and current student at Harvard College. Pittsburgh Poochie's are very similar to Harvard Hoochies despite the fact that Pittsburgh Poochies are located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, instead of Cambridge or Boston, Massachusetts.
Guy 1: Apparently it's not only harvard hoochies who want to date harvard boys, some crazies up in Pennsylvania are calling themselves Pittsburgh Poochies and want to do the same thing.

Guy 2: But they are so far away...
by pittsburghpoochie July 10, 2012
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A very cute dog. Super adorable, cuddly and nice.
My dog Leia is a poochie gongus.
by Eirbear December 30, 2021
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