1. Acronym: Pinapple Orange Guava, a drink usually associated with the tropics.
2. A game (mid 90's)which names origin comes from the acronym, since the pieces were/similar to the bottle caps on the drink.
Game were many paper/cardboard circles are stacked on top of eachother ,then knocked over with metal circles (Kini(s) or Slammer(s))
Want to drink a POG? (unused)
Do you want to play Pog?

by Xapti May 6, 2003
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pog is an acronym for People Of Georgia.
by FreakingCookie August 19, 2020
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It is specialy bad computer game player, which everybody hates, because he trolls and then he is feeding and killstealing. His favourite games are League of legends and DotA 2, but he play other free online games. Pog is used as all vulgarisms.
Oh shit, there is pog in this game.
Shit boys we lost
by Dakokonut69 December 8, 2015
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An acronym meaning Picture of Grace. Usually used facetiously describing someone who often lacks grace.
Guy #1: Wow did you see Nicole just run into that pole and spill milk all over herself.
Her Boyfriend: Yeah, its cool though, thats just my little POG.
by D Mark July 20, 2006
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Acronym for a parent of the groom (Parent of Groom)
Traditionally the POGs host the rehearsal dinner of a wedding
by VMc9 October 18, 2017
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An extremely irritating word that my friend likes to use, from which I am presuming is an abbreviation of the word "Play of the game". Play of the game is featured in a video game called "Overwatch" and can be seen at the end of a match. Although, more recently, it has been more commonly associated with Twitch and is now an emote that can be used on the site. A lot of people also associate the word with a twitch user by the name of "Tommyinnnit", due to his excessive use of the word. I've tried to watch a stream from the "Dream SMP" (specifically one of Tommies streams), but found it inredibly boring. However, I see no harm in liking it, and if you do that's fine. Some other words I've heard which are similar to pog are "Pogchamp" and "Poggers".
My friend: "Omg (Insert my name), Your outfit is so poggers today! Oh, and we should go get some pizza because I heard the pizza that this restaurant sells is pog!"

Me: "While I appreciate the compliment, could you please just stop using the word "pog" so much? I was able to tolerate it when you said it from time to time, but now you say it in practically every sentence."

My friend: "No stfu" *proceeds to use it in every sentence for the whole day to irritate me*
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acronym meaning "Peace Out Girl Scout"

very popular in Virginia's 5th district, much like the word "pronk" is in Virginia's 11th district.
by Rideman September 5, 2008
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