Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work.12 In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution.3 Prominent scholars of plagiarism include Rebecca Moore Howard,4567 Susan Blum,89 Tracey Bretag,101112 and Sarah Elaine Eaton,31314 among others.

Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics. It is subject to sanctions such as penalties, suspension, expulsion from school15 or work,16 substantial fines1718 and even incarceration.1920 Recently, cases of "extreme plagiarism" have been identified in academia.21 The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement.

Generally, plagiarism is not in itself a crime, but like counterfeiting fraud can be punished in a court2223 for prejudices caused by copyright infringement,2425 violation of moral rights,26 or torts. In academia and industry, it is a serious ethical offense.2728 Plagiarism and copyright infringement overlap to a considerable extent, but they are not equivalent concepts,29 and many types of plagiarism do not constitute copyright infringement, which is defined by copyright law and may be adjudicated by courts.
did thicc boy lizard just plagiarized wikipedia?

man plagiarism sure sucks!
by thicc boy lizard January 28, 2021
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Why did the the accusation of this bother me so much?

Hym "Plagiarism!? I just wrote a piece about how I wanted to feed someone their own intestines so that when their bowels release (upon their death) they generate a perpetual loop of post mortem defecation and your primary criticism is 'He didn't cite his sources and leave a link in the description box' !? My future plans consisted of going on an Adderall fueled rampage before having my bloated corpse scooped out of the river after the police found my sedan abandoned on a bridge. Sorry I didn't associate you (by name) with the retard hammering and whore strangulation I regularly write about. You're clearly the sane one here! Glad you're here to keep me honest! We can't have people thinking that the guy who lit himself on fire and bear-hugged a prostitute to death is smarter than he actually is! Glad we all don't have a bunch of plagiarists running around, copying dialogue from Urban Dictionary and putting it in their critically acclaimed movies and TV shows.
Man, that would be bad! That would be so much worse than having the walls of a group-home painted red with the blood of sex cultists.... Phew! We really dodged a bullet there! Thank God that someone is around lifting their fingers up and down to prevent retard murd... Oops plagiarism. I almost said the other thing there 😅 Holy shit! What a relief! It's nice to see people taking it upon themselves to intervene in a crisis situation. And that's what that was. A plagiarism crisis. That was fast too! It didn't even take them, I don't know, 5 years to do something about it. That's what solves plagiarism problems. Immediate intervention and Boy-oh-boy were you on it and ready to go to stand up for what is right. God... You should be lauded as a hero! Like me! They should make an anime about that guy too! That would be neat because then we would both have one. Well, I would still have several but you'd be in the club. But that's neither here nor there. I am ecstatic right now! It warms my heart to see people take people's liv... I mean, plagiarism so seriously. At least now nobody is being denied the credit they deserve. Oh-boy-oh-jeez, I can't even imagine what the worst case scenario would have been! Some guy would have thought that the thoughts of the one guy were the thoughts of the other guy! Parish the thought!"
by Hym Iam July 9, 2022
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stealing ideas or actual passages from someone else's work and pretending they are your own
When writing an article attacking plagiarism, do not copy from someone else's work.
by uhfhjhghjks January 22, 2021
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Stealing ones writing or word and passing it on as your own.
stealing ideas or actual passages from someone else's work and pretending they are your own
When writing an article attacking plagiarism, do not copy from someone else's work.
#copy#steal#ideas#passages#someone else
by Le Hurricane Sandy January 23, 2008 . I stole that and took it as my own
by Le_Hurricane_Sandy August 14, 2017
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To steal someone else's work and pass it as your own.
Joe: Wanna hear a word I just made up?
Bob: Sure
Joe: Plagiarism.
by Joshadow11 January 31, 2018
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A word I created first no matter what anyone else says
Did you hear about the word that got made recently? It's called Plagiarism.
by Sir Yeetus the 3rd March 4, 2021
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