fat ugly little alien things that live in willy wonka's chocolate factory.
oompa loompa doopidy doo
by psycho bitch February 24, 2004
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Little orange people enslaved by Willy Wonka. Also a term used to refer to the 45th president of the U.S. or girls who get a bad spray tan.
Look at that Oompa Loompa over there- her spray tan is so bad.
by Cuddly_kitten December 6, 2018
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Oompa Loompa - the whimsical “little people” with orange hued skin in The Wizard of Oz. The polar opposite of which is The Big Cheeto (aka President 45 otherwise known as Trump).
“That Oompa Loompa needs to get over this stupid wall and go find a pumpkin patch somewhere to rule over!”
by wordexperienced January 18, 2019
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