Random people on the street who constantly ask you for money. when you do give them money they spend it on drugs and alcohol. This is when you pascal them and kill them
Joe:Hey Bob did you see those hobos on the street the other day?

Bob: Yeah I did someone mustve pascal'd them. Then MURDERED THEM!!!
Joe:Probably because they took the epic beard man's money and were going to use it on alcohol.
by bobo the monkey guy June 4, 2012
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a popular type of clothing style, sometimes called bohemian
Have you seen the gold and silver hobo bags on sale at Target?
by Kim-Chan December 5, 2005
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A homeless drunk who falls asleep beside St.Anthony's Catholic school because it reminds him of his poor, smelly box.
Hey, You F@*&in' Hobo!
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A magical guy named Bob who lives in L.A. but wishes he lived in canada so that he could get free health care, but no... his grandpa had to move to L.A. so he could get a nicer cardboard box and so Bob would have to inherit a smelly old cardboard box
Bob the magical hobo wishes he lived in canada
by Bob, the magical hobo November 21, 2003
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a bum basically. person living off scraps in da streets.
hey look over there chantelle's a hobo. shes gonna get hobo of da yr.
by shaza January 22, 2007
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The Nasty poor person that will walk up to you and ask for money or food and you'll come up with an excuse or ignore there presence
Hey did you see that hobo over there he smelt like Taylor swift piss
by YEESUS (LIAM) January 17, 2015
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