P-E-R-F-E-C-T-I-O-N !
Girl1 : Look at that boy he is so perfect !
Girl2 : He is Niall Horan
by iliketurtlesandpie July 8, 2012
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Captain Niall is the nicname for Niall Horan shipping larry stylinson. Niall has tried to confirm larry stylinson multiple times in interviews with one direction.
by rogtaylors January 23, 2020
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Niall Horan is a part of the talented boy band called 'One Direction' on Itv show The X Factor. He appeared firstly as a solo artist, But soon after he, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Liam Tomlinson and Zayn Malik were put into a group.

They appeared on the show in 2010 and have proved very popular with the audience.

Niall is a blonde, Irish, extremely good looking singer. He has a very good voice and is the perfect contribute to the group. Niall Horan is hot, and has the cute Irish charm every body loves.

It is debatable to decide which member is the hottest, But it is definitely Niall. No matter what people say, they can not call Niall Horan ugly. He definitely isn't!
Girl 1: OH MY GOD! Have you seen One Direction this week on The X Factor?!

Girl 2: I KNOW! Niall Horan is absolutely beautiful! I can't believe how hot he is!

Girl 1: ARE YOU JOKING!? Harry Styles is the best!

Girl 3: Uh, NAH! Liam Payne is!

Girl 1 and 2: No!
by iloveyounomnomnom November 23, 2010
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The craic who is in the boyband One Direction. He is hot and the only irish member in the band. Call him yours and you're dead. Give him hate and you'll be a dead bitch. Sucks to be anyone that isn't Niall. (There are exceptions for the rest of One Direction) He is my mofo niggas.
Niall Horan: Weyhey what's the password?

Paul: Sigh Niall is the craic daddy of all the craic daddies there ever were weyhey.

Niall Horan: Come on in fellow mofo
by Ari is amazayn January 1, 2014
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Niall Quinn is now the chairman of Sunderland; he is also a former player who had the best years of his playing days. He is regarded as a legend in the North East of England and seen as a god in Sunderland, being almost a messiah saving the club from its troubles.
"All hail the mighty Niall"

"Niall Quinn’s disco pants are the best, they go up from his arse to his chest, they are better than Adam and the ants, NIALL QUINNS DISCO PANTS!!!!” this is a song sung by Sunderland fans about Niall Quinn, which was also released selling thousands of copies!

Niall if you read this I think I speak for all connected with Sunderland when I say we love you and you will always have a special place in our hearts!
by Steffan White October 1, 2006
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Gotta disappear. Because Niall always disappears from the drama.
Fangirl 2: "gotta niall"
by irishbread March 31, 2016
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Lily and Niall will be perfect for each other...A lily is caring and beautiful and has an amazing taste in music. Niall will be the creator of the music and will love no matter what. Lily and Niall are a match made in heaven, if you are a lily with a Niall be together always and never give up on each other, you are perfect for each other!
by Pretty person 1101 April 30, 2012
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