v The manifesting of love, generally used in relation to Dangers and Kimbers.
v Where are Danger and Kimber? Over there, mow-mowing in the corner as usual.
by EllsonRose January 24, 2009
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-Hey, did you see that bbw?
-looks more like a mow to me
by stankasshoe December 20, 2010
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MOW is an acroynm for "Make-Out-Whore". A MOW will meet at least one of these criteria:

1) A chick who does not put out and only exchanges saliva at the bar on a regular basis.
2) A girl who is always making out with random guys, but never taking them home.
Dude, the chick's a MOW. She won't go all the way.
by LaraCroft2011 October 19, 2010
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To mow or not to mow is the question?

Mowing has been defined as cutting someones grass, or other wise just wanting to get in there and get the job done.

Generally speaking a nicer way to make your friends aware of your intentions of a sex prospect.
Oh My God, look at him.......i would mow that everyday!!!!
by pocket rocket crockett March 9, 2011
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The act of whacking someone upside the head, preferrably with a baseball bat.
I'm going to ga mow mow my neighbor the next time that he lets his dog shit on my lawn!
by Barwise July 28, 2008
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The action of hiding a solo cup in bed before intercourse, the male must harvest the female ejaculate into the cup without drawing her attention. Once the cup is filled immediately get your footing and dive over the girl smashing the cup brim against her face and scream Mow!
Girl: Oh baby I'm about to cum!
Guy: (to himself) I'm about to mow the shit out of this girl.
Girl: I'm cumming!
Guy: Mow!
Girl: ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
by isaac philip July 25, 2014
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