A guy who glows and is pretty damn amazing. All the girls faint when he walks pass, and is SPECTACULAR in bed. He's sweet, athletic, and has a gorgeous smile along with his Blueish yellowish eyes. When you look into them you feel like you can't float into the sea. He looks his best in American Eagle boxers(:
"I wish my boyfriend was a Mikey"

*Mikey walking up*
Girl: "oh my god, I'm fixing to climax"
by Cindy718 May 5, 2011
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a beautiful boy with blond hair green/blue eyes. not afraid to do silly things in public and will make you laugh. a lovely boy who likes cuddles and is very affectionate <3
perosn 1: 'omg, he's soooo beautful!'
person 2: 'he's a real mikey'
by ilikepenguins November 16, 2010
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Mikey is Fagguetè
by Pprenren October 17, 2019
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Usaully, a fat, orange and a potato head. A Mikey has no friends. He cant get any girls because he's very insecure. A Mikey also loves to eat junk food example: Pizza, chips, donuts etc.
Hey have you seen that kid today in the corner? He looks very Mikey.
by HAHAJOKER January 23, 2017
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When you're having anal sex with a woman and fist her pussy, grabbing your cock through her ass wall and wank yourself off inside her
I was fucking her in the ass, so I stuck my hand in and gave her a Mikey
by NastyUK June 20, 2017
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They baddest mother fucker on the planet. Posses imaginable strength and a massive cock. Can be a bit quiet at times but isn't scared to speak his mind.
Damn, is that Mikey?
by FUcknate February 11, 2021
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A very misleading and unregardable person. Not trust worthy and sometimes a bit gullible.
Friend 1:Oh he’s being horrible, he must be a Mikey!
by TheBigSmelly May 9, 2020
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