When you look into someones eyes and get the sudden urge not to hurt them
Girl1:How much do you love me?
Guy1:I only feel true lub for you
by San8erQ February 10, 2018
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Yo ho gives handjob in less than 60 seconds
New York uptown ho gave me a jippy lub.
by itichie_nocanpo June 24, 2006
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using cum as lub for your poop after anal is performed to help with constipation.
irus was constipated so her boyfriend gave her bootie lub.
by Irus January 30, 2010
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boobs, secret word to say to friends right next to a nice set of boobs
wow look at them lubs!
by Dingleberry Jones Jr. December 12, 2007
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A phrase you say when you have a great success and your point is proven. Comparable to "Hooray" except it's more like "In your face!". Commonly used when the competition is at loss. Used in the iTouch/iPhone app "Fastlane".
"I told you she was a ho!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Umm...her profile picture is her in her undergarments."
"Ohh....Ohhh..your right."
by cathyg123v July 9, 2010
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What a 16-year old girl says after a blowjob...having not swallowed.
Girl says: "I lub joo"
Guy says: I'm hungry, let's go get some food.
by Wolf the Rider April 27, 2006
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