the lamest variation of "lol" in the history of lol variations. in my opinion =D

it may as well be an acronym for
by -samin hater- SHE SAYS LAWLS<- September 20, 2008
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Similar to and sounds like lol Means "laugh a whole lot"
Idiot: I Like Pie!!!!

Other idiot: Lawl!!!!!
by the end16 August 1, 2010
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guy 1 - this song sucks
guy 2 - your mom sucks
guy 3 (drinking lemonade) - LAWL
by jkfldashgthrja May 25, 2006
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lawl stands for laughing aloud with loser(s)
by ZeRoCoOl456 September 3, 2007
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Incredibly stupid way to say "lol". Also could mean the pronounciation of "lol".
Person 1: Dude my cat fell down the stairs yesterday
Person 2: lawl
Person 1: ...are you TRYING to piss me off?!
by Ex Axis August 18, 2010
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A super 1337 way of saying "lol"
"Im so 1337"
by Bertage November 24, 2006
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A word that complete dumbasses use because they think thats how they should say "lol" when normal people just spell it out. L-O-L.
Me: what the fuck is "LAWL"?
Friend: It's how you pronouce "Lol" Duuuh
Me: Lol isn't even a fucking word, you dumbass. It's an abbrivation for "Laugh Out Loud"
by omgpeoplearesofuckingdumb April 6, 2011
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