Kade is a loud person, Kade is usually the kind of person who loves to party. Kade is definitely not straight, Kade prefers to identify as Pan and loves character not gender. Kade has dated many people from both genders. Kade is mostly made fun of because he has a feminine side. Kade is bullied for his sexuality and personality but his friends see the good in him. They’ll say he’s funny, but others would disagree. Kade doesn’t care what you think about him, he just wants to live life to the fullest.
OMG Kade is so funny

Ugh. Kade is so gay
by PeopleWillBePeople February 14, 2018
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see the ugly mexican over there? don't hook up with him he's a kade
by shiaiakaksjksoa September 9, 2017
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have you heard of people being simps? well kades the biggest
by No SImps Allowed April 23, 2020
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A great person that’s really cool and pretty has loads of friends and is a sick mate
That’s baaaadddd kadee
by Kadee:) November 5, 2020
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A super hot sexy kid who is awsome at rainbow six siege
Kade has sex with ur mom
by blblsbs February 14, 2021
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Kade is the best thing that ever happened to you. he is so amazing so handsome the perfect height and everything a girl could ask for. if you’re Kade‘s girlfriend you might as well just marry him right now ,because he’ll make you happy for the rest of your life .never let Kade go and he won’t let you go. he might be shy but once you get to know him he’s like a fireball if you are dating Kade you’re a very special girl before thankful that he’s in your life!
Omg Kades gf is so lucky to have him!
He’s so amazing and cute if you ask me
by November 25, 2020
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Kade is a crackhead. He is strange, weird, and funny at the same time.
"Kade give me my backpack back!"
*weird animal noises*
by Animelover369 October 19, 2019
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