First off, I'm a juggalo. A juggalo is a person that may or may not listen to ICP or anyone from Psychopathic Records, but still keeps it real by living life worth the ride. We all as juggalos know how f*cked up this world is, and we live differently. We like to be a little "underground" at times to avoid selling out to the mainstream. A juggalo realizes popularity doesn't matter, it's about being real and true. In fact, if a juggalo likes to get tattooed with clown love, that's cool. If not, that's cool too. But the main thing behind the juggalo is the belief that greed is what has f*cked up the world the most. So our example is to not be greedy, but to love and welcome more love for those who want to join us.
Juggalo: Hey man, what'z crack-a-lackin'?

Mainstream guy: Not much, but did you see American Idol last night? I can't believe so and so lost!

Juggalo: Nah man, I'm not into that popular s*it. I waz chillin' in tha crib listenin' to Twiztid, while watchin' tha newz an' s*it and seein' how screwed we are if tha gov't won't keep it real and stop frontin'.
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A dedicated group of individuals, who behind the psychopathic records label and all that falls with them sport their own style and listen to horrorcore music such as the Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Anybody Killa, Blaze Ya Dead Homie, the Axe Murder Boyz, ESHAM, Boondox, Dark Lotus, Marz, the Dayton Family and many others.
hey homie are you a down ass JUGGALO?
by kas_hatchet February 12, 2011
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According to Shaggy, "Juggalos come from all walks of life. It don't matter if you're born with a silver spoon or a crack rock in your mouth." Characteristics of a member in the Juggalo subculture are: Drinking & spraying Faygo. Listening to horrorcore & underground music. Wearing face paint, usually like a clown. A Hatchet man on personal effects, tattooed or on jewelry. Displaying the gesture of "wicked clown" (westside sign with the left hand and the C sign with the right) & yelling whoop whoop! The lyrics of songs produced by Psychopathic Records, often violent, are viewed as a catharsis for aggression. Juggalo culture originated in the 80s, when Violent J & his family were living in poverty. Recieving their clothes from rummage sales & food from drives held at their school. Due to their poverty, they were the brunt of jokes in school. However, they embraced it instead of being ashamed. He named themselves "Floobs". According to Violent J, a Floob is a scrub who turned their scrubbiness into something to be proud of. Though he only called his brother & himself Floobs, he alludes to other Floobs whom he hadn't met or known of living the same way; the respect that Floobs had for each other & family-like embrace of likewise people influenced the philosophy held among Juggalos.
by MostTasteless December 7, 2015
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most people here are saying their necropheliacs & using all thys sarcasim to define a juggalo/ juggalette...well they need to learn a juggalo/juggalette isnt jus what they think. its about being one as a juggalo family and being down for the clown.its a way of life. a juggalo/juggalette doesnt give a shitt what people think or say about them. theyll always have their juggalo family... mmfcl
ill always have juggalo family

down with the clown till im dead in the ground

by stupid bitch September 23, 2007
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Juggalo if you want to know what a juggalo is go to the mirror. Look at yourself and ask, was i a follower or a leader, was i an out cast or the in crowd, was i normal or the freak. it doesnt matter what the answers to these questions are as long as you are true to yourself. a juggalo doesnt care what a person thinks they do what the fuck they want. and are true in everything they do. that is a juggalo live it breath it mmfcl
i was a freak an out cast a leader but always true
i am a JUGGALO
by The wicked one toad December 2, 2007
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well for one a juggalo aint a fan it is some one who could give a fuck less what people think, it is some one who can feel the dark carnival inside them. i am a juggalo and just to let you know not all of us are freaks not all of us paint our face daily i do it when im going to an icp or twiztid well any phsychopathic records concert, halloween partys and when im drinking.
say wat you will of me but i will always have juggalo family
by demonspaz February 3, 2007
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What better to describe a Juggalo then a description from the creaters themselves.....

"What is a Juggalo? Let me think for a second, Well, he gets butt naked and then walk's threw the street's winkin' at the freeks, with a two liter stuck in his butt cheeks. What is a Juggalo? He just don't care, he might try to put a weave in his nut hair, 'cause he could give a fuck less what a bitch thinks, he tell her that her butt "Stank's" and all that. What is a juggalo? He drinks like a fish and then he starts huggin people Like a drunk bitch next thing, he's pickin fights With his best friends then he starts with the huggin again. What is a juggalo? A fucking lunatic somebody with a rope tied to his dick then he jumps out a ten-story window...."-What is a Juggalo By: The Insane Clown Posse
Guy2: Man, That's some juggalo shit goin' right there.
by Dark Clown Goddess June 18, 2006
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