"Hey junkie, you got any used hype on yah?"
by Anonymous March 14, 2003
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the point of greatness that an asshole becomes obsessed with, despite it's only a fad
dude, quit riding your hype like it's the new wonderbread!
by animedude April 24, 2004
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A form of energy usable when once reaches a peak of maximum capacity. Going into 'Hype' will allow for extreme bouts of physical action.
Person A: GOD DAMN IT!

Person B: WHAT?!

Person A: -Starts punching and kicking the air wildly at a consistently increasing speed.-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

Person B: The hell?

Person A: -Smacks person B with a pillow.- WHERE'S YOUR HYPE DAMN IT?! -Jumps off a flight of stairs and wave dashes out the door.-

Person B: . . . -In awe-
by Black Rain Sera February 26, 2012
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a female, use only for the late night creepin, also another southern (Houston) way of saying a Booty call, also see Hawk's song "you already know"
I cant hang tonight,I'm about to call some HYPE over.
by Damon July 6, 2004
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Hoes you poke easy H.Y.P.E.
The one you kicks it with when you cant be with the one oyu love!!
by Delisa a*k*a D-luv April 7, 2003
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being happy and hyper at the same time.
there are different variations like hypi, hype, hypii. hypy.
I was super hypee when i finished eating my ice cream with the penguin.
by helensbubble May 14, 2008
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to be hyper or overexxagerate things dat happened
sammy:i luv you
julie: oh my godnnes u do hallaluyah , i luv u 2
sammy: y r u on da hype i was just jokin
by 4evarandom October 18, 2006
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